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Pagemaker 7.0

Introduction of  Graphic Design Select the frame, choose file > Place . Select the file you want to place .select the place with line frame option along .with other place option & then click ok. Note: if you choose the place command without having select a frame , or ,if you do not select the place within frame option you can still add the imported file to a frame after you click ok in the place dialog box : simply click the loaded text or graphic icon on the frame you want the implored content to occupy. Interlocution of tools The icons in the toolbox represent the tools you use in page Maker .To select the tools click it if the toolbox restricts your view of your work drag its title box to more  it choose window>Hide tools to close the toolbox . Control palate To open or close the control palate choose window >show control palate. The control palate appears in front of the publication and story windows you can more it by dragging the bar at the le...

Introduction to Java

In Nov 1995, sun Microsystems introduced a new programming Language to the world Java. Until the word “Java” could not Mean an Island in Indonesia or a particular brand of coffee. Java is Built upon C and C++.It derives its syntax from c and the object  Oriented feathers from C++. What is java? Java is a programming language populary used to build programs That can work on the “Internet”.It’s primary feathers also include Object oriented programming. Java is Plateform independent Software. Featers of java Simple Objects Oriented Plateform Independent Robus Secure Distribute Multithreaded Dynamic

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Voucher Entry Configuration

Configure different features of your voucher entry screen. The screen will be filled up with varying details as specified here. Other features of convenience, e.g., Use Payment/Receipt Vouchers as Contra vouchers can be activated here to effect transactions for funds transfer. By design, Tally allows such transactions only through Contra Vouchers. Likewise, you are not permitted to use Journal Vouchers to be used for cash or bank transactions. However, recognizing exceptional needs, you can override that restriction by activating the facility here. These are defaults and should be changed if required. Please note that these are questions asked of you and you need Yes to activate the facility and No to deactivate it. Invoice/Orders Entry Configuration Configure details for invoices, sales and purchase order entry. The following options are country specific to Britain/Europe. Again, the options are in ...