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Pagemaker 7.0

Introduction of  Graphic Design Select the frame, choose file > Place . Select the file you want to place .select the place with line frame option along .with other place option & then click ok. Note: if you choose the place command without having select a frame , or ,if you do not select the place within frame option you can still add the imported file to a frame after you click ok in the place dialog box : simply click the loaded text or graphic icon on the frame you want the implored content to occupy. Interlocution of tools The icons in the toolbox represent the tools you use in page Maker .To select the tools click it if the toolbox restricts your view of your work drag its title box to more  it choose window>Hide tools to close the toolbox . Control palate To open or close the control palate choose window >show control palate. The control palate appears in front of the publication and story windows you can more it by dragging the bar at the left edge o