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Pagemaker 7.0

Introduction of  Graphic Design
Select the frame, choose file > Place .
Select the file you want to place .select the place with line frame option along .with other place option & then click ok.
Note: if you choose the place command without having select a frame , or ,if you do not select the place within frame option you can still add the imported file to a frame after you click ok in the place dialog box : simply click the loaded text or graphic icon on the frame you want the implored content to occupy.
Interlocution of tools
The icons in the toolbox represent the tools you use in page Maker .To select the tools click it if the toolbox restricts your view of your work drag its title box to more  it choose window>Hide tools to close the toolbox .
Control palate
To open or close the control palate choose window >show control palate. The control palate appears in front of the publication and story windows you can more it by dragging the bar at the left edge of the palate .
Click an option to activate it  (A selected value or a  highlighted bar above or below an option  indicates that the option is actives .)
Use commands on the view menu to display the page or pasteboards at preset views: A page retains its view while you the view again.
View setting serve various purposes .use fit in window when you need to click the overall composition of a page or at two page spread use actual size to see text and graphic as they will appear when printed and choose view >zoom to 200% size or 400% size when precision is imperative .
A paragraph is a collection of character and paragraph formatting attributes that you can apply to a paragraph in one step. You can specify every aspect of a paragraph including typeface and teyesize, line   spacing ,alignment , and indents within  the style ,paragraph style can, save considerably time when you apply and text formatting  and they provide a consistent look to you publication .
Select object
You use the pointer tool to select object .you can select  a single object or multiple object and modify all at once , when object overlap ,you can select them through the stack of object.
Use the zoom tool to magnify or reduce the display of any in your publication you can also double .click the tool to actual size as you double click the tool to go file in window view .
Select to zoom tool
The pointer becomes a magnifying with a plus sing in its center indicating that the zoom tool will magnify you view of the image .
Keyboard  shortcut
Once you understand the basic of adding index entries use the use the shortcuts. In this section to speed up your work .
Introduction of guide line
Use the layout > column guides command to add or change columns on master pages and in publications .You can also set up column when you first create a new master using the master page options commend on the master page palate menu.
Any guides that you create on a mater page are auto played on the publication page to which the master is applied, However you can select and more making  master page guides from within  a publication  page you do not need to do this on the master page ,as you would when making adjustments to text and graphics if you adjust master page guides on or publication page or add new ruler to a publication page ,page maker considers those guides to be customized .
You can restore the mater page guides and delete the custom guides by choosing layout >copy master guides this command dose not affect master page items that print such as page numbers ,and is available only if have customized the guides on the current page by morning them from their original positions defined  on a master page. the command also has no effect on text and graphics  already on the page .
Lock and unlock ruler guides
Choose view >lock guides
If you change such publication buyout attributes as margins or page size locking guides can interfere with page maker’s ability to adjust objects on the page .
To place a ruler guide
Move the pointer over a ruler and then drag a ruler guides from the ruler if the rulers aren’t visible choose view show rulers.
Using the zero point
The zero point is the position at which the zero on the vertical and horizontal rulers intersect. When you start a new single sided publication, page maker puts the zero point at the to left  corner of the page .when you work with facing pages .the default zero point is at the intersection  of the lop inside edges of the facing pages you can easily more the zero point to measure distance from a specify part of your page or to customize the way oversized page print to avoid accidentally moving the zero point after you set it , you con lock it in place.
To lock the zero point
Choose view >zero lock
Scrolling within a window
You can use the scroll bars  along the bottom and right sides of the active window to control what displays  in the publication window . You can show or hide the scroll bar any time . in addition you can reposition the page quickly by draggin the mouse. This thechinque  works in layout .
View only
Choose view>show/hide scroll bar
Measurment system unit and setting up rules each publication window include horizontal and vertical rulers that extend along the top and left borders of the wind you can display rules when you need them and hide when you want more room on the screen to vied a publicat . the rulers must be visible in order to manually create ruler guides . which are nonprinting extensions of the ruler . when you need to precisely position in text object and graphic on a page .use the ruler increments .the increments show on the rulers deeply on the size and resolution of your screen . the unit of measure you specify . and the display size you choose you can make any item you place resize or more align to the nearst intersection of tick marks on the invisible grid  defined by the rulers-
The unit of    measure   used for most measurements  in  the publication you specify tabs margins indents and                    Other measurements according to the measurements system reflected on the horizontal ruler. 
You usually work with one unit of meansure throughout a publication  but you can change to another unit measure
At any time Guides and objects   already   sitioned using the original, measurement system will stay in place and might not align with the alteved ruler tick marks .
Manu introduction
Document set up
While rearranging page ,  you can make . the publication double sided ,  single sided or facing pages in the sort page dialog box click options and select the option you want when double sided pages become the lift margin and the outside margin becomes the right margin in they care you can have pagemaker  move all elements  to fit within new inside and outside margins by deselection  Don’t move Elements
Choose the >Revert command click ok in the alert massage appears .The revert command can also restore you last mini saved verson a verson of the life that pagemaker saves automatically whenever you move to a different page inert or delete a page charge the clipboard setup or print other operations that cause a minisave   include switching between layout view and story editor using the clipboard, and clicking the active page icon.  

Position the loaded text icon at a corner of the area where you want to place text hold bown the mouse button and drag to difine the text block release the mouse button.
Text flows into the defined area if there is move text then fits in the block you defined and arrow appears in the button window shade handle.
If there is more text to place click the arrow in the button window shale handle is empty. When there is no move text to place.

Create a word list in page maker on in any application that creates or saves text only files separate each word in the list by a carriage return. space, or tab.

Choose file >Import
On import using algorithm hyphenates the word encircling to the built in algorithm (dictionary editor does not apply the algorithm to words to which you’ve already addes  libels )
Import words already in dictionary overwrite word that are already in the user dictionary with words that hare the same speling .  if this option is deselected  any words in your in your list that are already in the user dictionary will not be overwritten.
Link manager
You can modify how linked object link and update objects with links can be placed linked OLE  objects , on the macintos ,placed or subscribed edition files .
Do not confuse links with hyperlinks page maker .for information on hyperlinks see about hyper text links . use the links manager link in to and link options .use these commands to update linked text or graphics to reestablish links we external files are moved from their original folder publication ,and to minimize the size of the publication by storing large graphic images externally .
Note : use th3e link into command or option to view or modify o selected objects link to its orginal files.
Choose file >links manager .
Element menu
grouping & ungroping
you can combine several objects into group so that the objects are treated as a unite . this allows you to move or transform a number of object together for example : you might group the objects in a logo desion so that you can move and resize the logo as one unite .
Note :when you mask selects object page maker can automatically  group them for more information ,see masking objects .
1.        using the pointer tool press shift and select the objects to be grouped .
one or move of the objects you select can be a group but if you select  tow or more groups note that all selects object from a single unnested  group .
choose element > group
choose object ratain the changes you most while the objects were grouped .
mask & unmask
masking is a way of covering part of an object so that only a portion of it appear through a shape draw with the rectangle ellipse or polygon tool. In pagemaker you make object by positioning the mask or masking objects on the objects you want to mask selecting
 both objects and choosing the electing > mask command pagemaker  simultaneously. Gropes the selected objects if you press shift or option and  then choose. Element >mask and groups .
choose Element > mask
select the masking object or the masked object .
choose Elenent > unmask .
choose Element unmask and ungroup
Utilities menu
     In story editor ,you can seach in a story or select a range of text if you want to limit your changes to that section change  all searches for and replace all occurrences of the found text to text for make display an alert message.
If find what or change to is under lined in either the find or change dialog box one or more text attributes have been.
Checking spelling and Grammar
      You can check the spelling and grammar in a selected range of text in all text in a selected range of text in all text in the active rang in all stories  in  a publication or in all stories in all open publication pagemaker highlinghts miss pelled  or unknow words typed twice (such as the ) and words with possible capitalization errors .
If you are checking all open publications pagemaker   automatically search all stories in those publications.
Click start to begin checking the spelling
In story editor shoose > spelling
Assembling multiple publications into a book
associates them as a whole creating an inkle and a labile of confounds and printing the book while retaining the ability to work with each publication independency creating a book helps keep publication file sizes relatively small so you can work more efficiently assemble a book by creaking a book list inane of they publications you want to include in the book such as the table of contents or the index.
Index entries
Once as entry is cerates you car select its index maker and then use utilities> Index Enter to edit or update the information you initially specified.
When you create index endives in the add index.
Entry dialog box, you enter each topic, specify whether or a cross refer once to another index entry and   tell page maker how to sort topics. You can also specify a page range for your entry or the kind of cross reference you want, and change the type style on the page references and cross references click insertion point of the text you want to index (or select the text you want to use for use the index entry)
 Managing windows
You can each story in its own window see moving between story editor and layout view.
In story view choose story close story to close the story window finish working on a story. When the story has already been placed   close story closes the story window are open returns to layout view PageMaker auto matically ret lows the story within existing text objects if other story windows are open page maker displays the next story or managing windows.
Balance column
        Sometimes you want the columns on a page to be of equal size so that their top and bottom edges align if you’re used text block to contain the text. PageMaker can aromatically calculi ate the average ling of selected columns and then resize hem to that length . pagemaker calculate the  arerage length of select columns to that length (right)1 . use pointer tool to select two or more columns (or text block) with in the same story .
Choose utilities >plug-ins >balance columns
Select an alignment option and specify where you want leftover lines added when among the selected column and then click ok .
Bullet and Numbering
Once you’ve formatted a hanging indent you can use the following technique add bullets or consecutive number to a set of consecutive paragraph of a certain style or to every paragraph in the selected story. Make sure that your numbering scheme is final before using this technique if the paragraphs change, the numbers are not updated automatically.
Click an insertion point in the first paragraph you want to change or select the range of paragraphs .
Choose utilities>plug-ins >Bullets and Numbering .
Drop caps
Page maker lets you quickly add a drop cap a large initial character to one or more paragraphs at a time . the drop caps baseline falls one or more line s below the base line  of the first lines of a paragraph to create the drop cap effect page maker resizes and subscripts the initial character in the page maker also inserts tabs at the start of each line breaks at the end of each line that wraps around the drop –cap character .(line breaks prerent the tab at the start of each line from flowing back to the previous line .)
Click an insertion point any where in the paragraph you want to begin with a drop cap .
Choose utilities >plug-ins >drop cap.
Built booklet
The built booklet plug-in lets you create publications in which pages are arranged for printing multiple page spreads . the arrangement of page printed on a single sheet or form is called an imposition . the build booklet plug-ins creates multiple page spreads that print on a single sheet and assume the correct  page when folded .when you stack ,bin  and trim the folded double side booklets the result is a single book with correct  pagination
Different palates
Introduction of color palate
In page maker for macos you can use the apple color picker to edit colors .choose window >show colors select the color you want to edit and choose macos colors picker from the colors palette menue choose window >show colors.
Introduction of style palate
You can press command with colors palette , select and ,then press  f1 to the first style in the second styles palette ,press f2 to apply the second style in the palette ,and so on to view the name the style applied to each paragraph in story editor ,choose story > Display style name as the publication default using the file >preference >General command .
Introduction of master page palate
Master pages are automatically applied to newly created pages , but now this happens is delermined by the command you use to add the new pages the file >Document setup lets you increase the number pages in the publication and when you click ok page maker inserts the new pages at the publication and applies the document master to them you
press the ctrl+shift+G 



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