Configure different features of your voucher entry screen.
The screen will be filled up with varying details as specified here.
Other features of convenience, e.g., Use Payment/Receipt
Vouchers as Contra vouchers can be activated here to effect transactions for
funds transfer. By design, Tally allows such transactions only through Contra
Likewise, you are not permitted to use Journal Vouchers to
be used for cash or bank transactions. However, recognizing exceptional needs,
you can override that restriction by activating the facility here.
These are defaults and should be changed if required. Please
note that these are questions asked of you and you need Yes to activate the
facility and No to deactivate it.
Invoice/Orders Entry Configuration
Configure details for invoices, sales and purchase order
The following options are country specific to
Britain/Europe. Again, the options are in the form of questions and you need to
state Yes or No to them. They have also been explained in the relevant invoice
entry sections.
For India/Asia, the options would automatically use Excise
instead of Interstate provided you have set your General Configuration
Excise/VAT Setup
Whether to use Excise Duty or VAT depends on the General
F12: Configuration ->General
Select Britain/Europe for British style VAT handling
Select India/Asia for Excise Duty handling
According to this selection the F11: Company Features will
contain the option to set up Excise Duty or VAT.
The F11 set up for Excise Duty/VAT affects method
of calculation of duty in invoices. For example, when excise duty is not
enabled for invoicing purposes in Company Features [F11] (as applicable for
many products in India), Additional Duty and Surcharge function alike. In case
it is enabled, then Additional Duty is added to the 'Duty Based on Items' in
the invoice to reflect the 'Total Duty payable'. Its method of calculation is
explained under 'Surcharge'.
Printing Configuration
To configure voucher layouts for print output. Printing of
vouchers, invoices and statements are configurable through this menu
This configuration is applicable for all print reports.
Print Date & Time of Report
This option enables printing of system date and time on each
report. (Note – vouchers, including invoices, are not reports). These are
printed on the right top corner of the report as a control mechanism. It should
not be confused with the date range of the report.
Quick Format
Tally prints in two formats – Neat and Quick. Neat printing
takes advantage of fonts of the printer and is the default. It also compresses
long data like long names and amounts and auto-fits them according to space.
Quick printing is suitable for Dot Matrix printers where
speed is an issue. Hence, quick printing does not print fancy fonts. The
auto-fit facility is, thus, not possible in quick printing.
Therefore, it will truncate data longer than the allotted
space. To prevent this, set Yes for the two questions under Quick Format.
Payment/Receipt/JournalVouchers,Credit Note/Debit Note
Configure the dimensions and details to print.
Though the above options pertain to Payment Vouchers, those
for other vouchers are similar.
Sales Invoice,Delivery Note and Sale Order/Quotation
Printing configuration of all sales vouchers like Invoices,
Delivery notes and Sales Orders are accessible through Sales Transactions under
Printing menu. Each transaction type is separately configurable and selectable
from the sub-menu.
The different configuration screens for each of the above
Sales Invoice
This is the configuration for the Tally invoice. Change as
Details of the above configuration options have been
discussed in the chapter on Invoice Entry. These can be, however, set now or
later as necessary. As usual, the configuration can be amended even if set.
Delivery Note
Delivery Note appears very similar to Invoices. However,
fields like rate and amount may be required by some companies to be printed out
on Delivery Notes. Others might not wish it. Hence, select the options as
relevant to your company.
Sales Order/Quotation
Print sales orders and quotations as you want by configuring
the following: Sales Orders, if marked 'Optional', during voucher entry, are
printed as Quotations.
Purchase Voucher/Invoice and Purchase Order
A surprising option to print purchase voucher and purchase
invoices! There has been a need to print these firstly to maintain continuity
in voucher numbers and secondly to provide a document in case the supplier does
not. Purchase Orders are, of course, required to be printed and sent to
suppliers. To configure these, select Purchase Transactions under Printing.
Purchase Voucher/Invoice
Purchase Orders
Purchase Orders are required to be printed and sent to
Receipt Notes
Receipt Notes may also be entered in the same format as
Delivery Notes, and with Purchase Order enabled, would automatically fill-up
with the details of the order. Further, Purchase Invoices would also auto-fill
with the Receipt Note or Purchase Order details as relevant.
Reminder Letters
Two paragraphs have been already provided which can be used
as themselves or modified or extended. To view the reminder letter, simply
print one out. Of course, you might want to make subtle changes thereafter. You
may, as usual.
The two paragraphs are followed by the account of the
customer. Ledger and Outstanding details with Age Analysis of pending invoices
serve as strong reminders to pay promptly.
Confirmation Statements
Confirmation Statements are not the same as Reminder
Letters. These serve to confirm the account balances with customers, suppliers,
lenders and borrowers. Their use is most at period ends, but can be produced
for any period, at anytime.
You may change the text as per your requirements.
Security Control
Security levels – types of security
Tally has a very customisable security system. You can set
up authority levels and users who are placed at these levels. The authority
levels or Types of Security decide the rights of the users – what they can or
cannot do when using Tally.
Tally has two security types already set up. One is Owner
and the other Data Entry. Owner has full access and rights to all parts
of Tally, except Tally Audit & Company Alteration screen which are reserved
for the Administrator alone. Data Entry has restricted rights. You are allowed
to create other security types based on these predefined types and allow more
or less rights as required.
Gateway of Tally —> [ALT]+F3:Create Cmp —>Security
Types of Security (security or authority levels)
Owner has full access rights. The other predefined type,
Data Entry, is based on owner but is restricted by default. The default
settings for Data Entry are as follows. You can change them to allow more or
less rights as necessary.
Types of Security [Enter] —>Data Entry[Enter]
Create a new Security Level
Types of Security —> Data Entry—> [Down Arrow]
(Press the down arrow key at the option data entry.)
- This is one of the few places in Tally where you create a new entry in this fashion.
Type the new security level, e.g. Manager
Press [enter] to bring up the Level Definition screen
The level definition screen
Name of security level
This defaults to the name you have created.
Use Basic Facilities of
The default is the owner. However, the other option is also
available – Data Entry. If the popup list does not appear when you are at the
field, press D – beginning to type the word. Going back from the next field
will also pop it up. The new level Manager will, likewise, be available when
you create a next level.
Days allowed for Back-dated vouchers
This is the number of days the users of this level are
allowed to create back-dated vouchers. Specifying 0 will indicate that
back-dated vouchers are not allowed, and 7 will allow the user at this level to
insert vouchers going back 7 days.
Cut-off date for Back-dated vouchers.
Specify the date before which users of this profile or
security level may not create or alter vouchers. This is additional control
over and above the previous 'days allowed'. This is useful in cases where you
have completed your Tax Assessment for a period and no changes are desired in
the data for that period.
Disallow the following facilities/Allow the following
The screen is now divided into two broad columns each have
two sub-columns. The left side is to disallow access to the various options of
the system. The right side allows the security level the different facilities.
The different access rights options – Types of Access - are
available in a pop-up list when the cursor is on an access rights field (the
first left column in the screen above). The options sought to be controlled,
are on the right (the second column from the left).
To disallow access to different options; First select the
type of access and then select the option. Options may be selected from the
popup list of Reports. Repeat the procedure till you have set access rights for
the different options. Note the bracketed sentence in italics. When you select
a type of access, this type would be disallowed for the option. Hence, if you
select Full Access for Balance Sheet, you want to prevent any access to Balance
Sheet by this security level.
Conversely, under 'Allow the following facilities', if you
select Full Access for Balance Sheet, you want to allow full access. Full
access incorporates all rights.
Select [End of List] at the Type of Access field to complete
the definition.
You are taken back to the screen 'Security Levels for
Company' at a blank field following the one you just created, viz., Manager. If
you have any other level to create, simply type the name and follow the same
procedure. Otherwise press [enter] at the blank field to accept and return from
this screen.
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