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Computer is the electronic device which is the man made machine. The word of computer derived from Latin word ‘Computare’ which means to calculate. Since computer is defined as one which calculate or Computare. A computer is an electronic device, which can perform certain mathematical calculation and logical operation at a very high speed.

Full Form

CCommon                           UUse for
OOperate                             TTechnology
MMachine                           EEducation and
PPurpose                             RResearch

Simply, a computer is defined as an electronic device with ability to:
·         Accept user supplied data and instructions.
·         Store them; perform mathematical calculations and logical operations. (Execute the instructions)
·         Output the results according to user specifications.
·         Transfer data, images and sound through the telephones lines or cables at a very fast rate.

In other words computer are data processing machines, which processes data and provides meaningful information. And Data may be defined as a collection of facts, observations or occurrences in the form of text, image or sound.
The concept of modern digital computing was forwarded by Charles Babbage, so he is also termed as The Father of the computer.


1.      Speed

Computer operates at a very high speed with the speed of light due to its operations caused by electrical. The computer’s speed at performing single operation can be measured in terms of fraction of second. Speed: Computer can calculate complex calculation at a very high speed. Computer takes a few micro/nano second to execute as operation.
1 Millisecond =          1/1000th of a second.
1 Microsecond = 1/1000000th of a second
1 Nanosecond = 1/1000000000th of a second
1 Picoseconds = 1/1000000000000th of a second

2.      Accuracy

If the program and data have no error, the result given by the computer will be 100% accurate. Mistake will be occurred in calculation by wrong data or mistakes in instruction.

3.      Consistency.

Unlike human beings, computers are highly consistence. They never get bored too. Hence they are ideal machine for carrying out repetitive and voluminous work. It is a capacity of performing repeated operation without any tiredness and any mistakes. A computer is capable of performing the required task continuously with the same speed, accuracy and efficiently without any error. Computer never gets tired, bored and laziness to do the task.

4.      Storage Capacity

The computer is special device by its storage capacity. Large amount of data can be stored in a computer’s memory.
0 or1=1Bit
1character=1 Byte

5.      Communication Media

It is one of the main characteristic of computer. Using Internet phone, E-Mail, PC to PC Phone etc can be use for worldwide communication.

6.      Easy To Use

The computer is very easy to use by using the different parts and systems. We can use the computer inside the room in a comfortable way.

7.      Tending Job Handlers

The computers are widely used for jobs. They are versatile so can be used for various jobs.

8.      Economic (Less Expenses)

The computer works in various fields so it reduces cost .We can use it for communication, study, research, and for other fields too.    


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