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JAVA Programming Course

Course Overview
The Java Programming Language course teaches students  object-oriented platform independent programming, exception handling, file input/output (I/O) operation, threads and networking, creating graphical user interfaces (GUI), Developing GUI Application and Applets, Database programming using JDBC. Programmers familiar with object- oriented concepts can learn how to develop Java application. The course uses the Java 2 Software Development Kit (SDK). This course is offered on Red Hat Linux/Windows.

Familiarity with data processing concepts and Programming techniques. Understand object-oriented principles. Create or compile simple programs in a language, such as C or C++.

Target Audience
Programmers who are interested in adding the Java programming language to their list of skill and students who are preparing for the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform exam.

Course Outline
v  Declarations and Access Control
v  Flow control, Assertions, and Exception Handling
v  Garbage Collection
v  Language Fundamentals
v  Operators and Assignments
v  Overloading, Overriding, Runtime Type and Object Orientation
v  Threads
v  Fundamental Classes in the java.lang Package
v  The Collections Framework
v  I/O Streams and File Handling
v  GUI programming with AWT and Swing
v  Socket Programming
v  Database Programming using JDBC
v  Using Java Beans

Course Syllabus
v  Getting Started with Java
Ø  List the key features of the Java programming language
Ø  Describe the Java Virtual Machine
Ø  Use the Java Application Programming Interface(API) on-line documentation
Ø  New: Operators and assignments
Ø  Identifiers, Keywords and Types
Ø  Distinguish between member and automatic variables
Ø  Describe the initialization of member variables
Ø  Recognize and correct a “Possible reference before assignment” compiler error
Ø  Distinguish between legal and illegal assignments of primitive types
Ø  Recognize Boolean expressions and state the requirement for these in control constructs
Ø  Recognize assignment compatibility and required casts in fundamental types
Ø  Make appropriate use of if, switch, for, while, and do constructions and the labeled forms of break and continue
Ø  Declare and create arrays of primitive, class or array types
Ø  Explain why and show how to initialize the elements of an array
Ø  Write class constructors and invoke particular constructors using new with arguments
Ø  Invoke overloaded methods and constructors
Ø  Use sub classing
Ø  State the benefits of encapsulation in object oriented design and write code that implements tightly encapsulated classes and the relationships "is a" and "has a".
Ø  Write overriding methods in a sub class and describe execution flow when executing an overridden method
Ø  Invoke overridden methods and describe how the method is chosen
Ø  Develop overriding methods and invoke overridden methods
Ø  Invoke overridden constructors
Ø  Describe the use of Collections
Ø  Exceptions
Ø  Tips for handling runtime exceptions
Ø  Describe Exceptions Catagories

v  Designing Front End with Java Applet and Frame
Ø  Building GUIs
Ø  Describe the Abstract Windowing Toolkit(AWT) package and its components
Ø  Explain containers, components and layout managers and how they work together to build a GUI
Ø  Use the flow, border, grid and card layout managers to achieve a desired dynamic layout
Ø  Use the frame and panel containers
Ø  The AWT Event Model
Ø  Write code to handle events that occur in a user interface
Ø  Determine the user action that originated the event from the event object details
Ø  Determine how and when to use the appropriate adapter class to select a subset of event handlers for an event listener
Ø  Identify the key AWT components
Ø  Use the AWT components to build user interfaces for real programs
Ø  Java Foundation Classes
Ø  Identify the key features of Java Foundation Classes
Ø  Explain containers, components and how they work together to build Swing GUI
Ø  Write, compile and run a basic Swing application
Ø  Using the different border to the components and containers to make a attractive interface
Ø  Introduction to Applets
Ø  Multiple Threads
Ø  Streams I/O and Files
Ø  Socket Programming
Ø  Create a minimal TCP/IP server and a minimal TCP/IP client
Ø  Create a minimal UDP server and a minimal UDP client

v  Database Programming with Java
Ø  Database Programming with JDBC
Ø  Connecting to Databases
Ø  Working with databases
Ø  Invoking Remote Methods from remote server using RMI
Ø  Building Reusable Software Components with Java Beans
Ø  Server Side Programming for Java Applets using Servlets.
Ø  Building HTTP Servlets and Generic Servlets

Ø  Packaging and deploying Java applications and applets


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